Could you travel the world in a lift? This man has!


Published on: 14-06-2018

Sheridan Lifts Community

48 years ago “Little Tony” Whittall eagerly fastened his tie, straight backed, smiled and embarked on what would evolve into his humbling journey around the world – inside a lift!

Mr. Whittall never expected that his job as a lift operator with Shop Direct would have him travel the whole world’s distance inside a lift, nearly twice!

Tony started working as a lift operator for Shop Direct some forty-eight years ago. He was the notoriously jolly individual whom everybody knew and adored. Tony was renown throughout the massive company for his dedicated services as the goods and passenger lift operator – attentively hoisting goods in and out of the lift.

Tony’s dedication and delightful temperament earned him the reputation for being the sweet, can-do lift man.

It is rumoured throughout Shop Direct that he could hold a tune more melodic than a songbird, but Tony is a shy fellow and so to this day it remains likely folklore.


How did he do it?

Over the first forty years of his service it was calculated that Mr. Whittall travelled more than 43 952 miles – the equivalent of travelling around the world one and three-quarter times!

To pay homage to Tony’s four decades’ service we presented him with this solid brass plaque. The plaque was well received by the king of the lift himself and proudly hung in his domain for all to see.

Sheridan Lifts Community

In lifts and in life what goes up must come down, and such is the way of the noble lift operator’s trusty lift key.

Sadly, Tony has hung up his key for the last time in the best interest of his health. The plaque has since been presented to Tony one final time for him to keep and look upon fondly and tell the inspirational story of how he travelled the world one and three-quarter times in a lift.

Sheridan Lifts have been maintaining the lift, Tony’s Lift, for over thirty years. All the engineers and Directors at Sheridan’s who were very fond of Tony would like wish him all the very best in his retirement.