Sheridan Lifts drop off items for the YMCA

By Chris Jones

Published on: 14-07-2020

Marketing Manager at Sheridan Lifts and chief blogger!

As well as being extremely busy as an essential business during this ongoing pandemic, Sheridan Lifts have found time to do our bit for the community too. When our very own Lewis Gordon sent out an email requesting for help from our team, the response was overwhelming.

Recognising the needs of others as greater than our own in this time, the team at Sheridan’s all had a clear out and de-clutter during the pandemic and we have all mutually brought in second-hand toys, books, teddy bears and clothes for a donation to the YMCA in Middleton Shopping Centre. All items were sanitised before dropping off. Here are the two ladies who received the package.

ymcaymca ladies

Commenting on the donation was one other than our Key Account Manager (and all round charitable soul) Lewis Gordon:

“It was amazing to be able to drop these off today.

“We’ve actually been holding the items for a good few months here in our back storage room whilst the facility was closed due to the pandemic, so its great they have now gone to their intended destination.

“A big thank you to everyone from Sheridan’s who have kindly donated their good condition children’s clothes, books and toys. This will be greatly appreciated by the kids, many of whom have very little in terms of material possessions.

Half of them have been delivered to the YMCA in Middleton and the other half has gone The Nursery (Alphabet House) in Oldham”

alphabet house

Great work from everyone involved and a special thanks to Lewis here for arranging and to our engineer Alex (pictured above) for dropping off in his van.

Interested in hearing more about our work in the local area? You can read more about our community outreach work here.

engineers and the nursery staffalphabet house