Lift Modernisation

By Tony Sheridan

Published on: 13-01-2012

Managing Director of Sheridan Lifts

Modernise your old lift with specialist lift engineers

A lift is something that many people take for granted, it offers an easy solution in most buildings to access floors upwards or downwards that would normally require the use of stairs. Not everybody is able to walk up and down stairs so a lift actually becomes a very essential factor for any building with multiple floors to ensure that all visitors can navigate the building as required.

It is very important in the modern day that building health and safety standards are followed, this means that if you have a lift it will require regular inspection and lift services from experienced lift engineers.

There are other factors to consider with lifts, current lift regulations state that they must be accessible and cater for any visitors to the building no matter what their physical capabilities. Lots of businesses and properties are in fact breaking the law with their current lifts, in a lot of cases they do not offer the right access for disabled visitors, this also ties in with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, if you have a lift that does not comply with current regulations or acts then you are liable to prosecution should you be caught breaking any rules.

For this reason alone it is essential that you speak with your lift engineers and book a visit for them to inspect and advise on your lift’s capabilities and if indeed it complies with regulations. If it does not then it may be time to consider the prospect of modernising your lift this year so that you do not get caught out unaware of the situation.

Not all businesses may know that there are very firm rules to follow when it comes to having a lift in your commercial property, the law however views this as ignorance to responsibilities and will still prosecute. This is why it is essential to speak with your lift engineers as soon as possible to find out if you need to modernise your lift this year, it will also offer your clients and potential clients a better customer service from your business as well as being up to the required safety and regulatory standards.