Get Serviced

By Tony Sheridan

Published on: 04-01-2012

Managing Director of Sheridan Lifts

Just like a car service, arranging servicing for your lifts may not seem a high priority. In the same way that your car keeps running, your lifts will probably continue to operate quite effectively even if you go past the date their service is due.

But that doesn’t mean that missing a service isn’t harmful. Regular lift services are essential to keep all the different moving parts working smoothly, as well as to check for any damage or wear and tear to the components. Miss a lift service, and you miss the opportunity to spot these minor faults before they become major problems, and once that happens, you could soon find yourself stuck between floors, or suffering a far more serious failure.

Sheridan Lifts offer a comprehensive programme of lift servicing and regular lift maintenance across the UK. Our expert lift technicians will provide professional inspections, tests and other diagnostics, to ensure your lifts are operating well, and complete any minor lift repairs that may be required. Our teams are experienced in all kinds of lift designs and all makes and models of lifts, so they understand the sort of problems that have been encountered elsewhere with lift systems like yours, and can use that knowledge to help prevent a similar situation occurring for you.

Lift servicing should not be seen as a cost, but rather a saving, helping you to avoid much more costly problems that can grow unnoticed if your lifts are not regularly checked. Contact Sheridan Lifts today and you’ll soon see just how cost effective it can be to keep your lifts operating smoothly and safely with regular lift servicing from the experts.