Ding dong!


Published on: 19-10-2015

When you think about designing passenger lifts there are so many things you have to take into account. The space you have to work with, the design and décor of your building and what the lift will be used for are all factors that need to be addressed; you can then design, plan and install your lift accordingly.

However, there’s one thing that probably gets pushed down the bottom of the list when designing passenger lifts, and that’s the chime. A great lift chime often goes unnoticed in passenger lifts. The noise shouldn’t overwhelm the lift and is only there to complement the ride for the passengers. Like we said, a great chime in passenger lifts should really go unnoticed; like it’s just a part of the process.

We found a very amusing story today about an incredibly pathetic elevator chime in a four star hotel in Melbourne. Bemused guests have likened the sound to a “dying coyote,” a “squeaky duck,” and a “baby T-Rex.”

As far as passenger lifts go, it’s not that best sound to have emitting, especially if you’re a respectable hotel; you want to impress your clientele! With that being said, everyone seems to be taking the bemusing sound with a pinch of salt and we don’t think it will harm the hotel’s business. If anything, more people might flock to the hotel to hear the strange sound in the lift!

You can listen to it yourself I the video below:

We think you’ll agree it’s pretty funny! Although we do prefer our passenger lifts to have a more traditional chime upon arrival….