A letter from a very happy customer

By Chris Jones

Published on: 14-10-2019

Marketing Manager at Sheridan Lifts and chief blogger!

Here at Sheridan Lifts, we like to do our bit for the community. In fact, as a business we like to go above and beyond especially when there is a clear need for intervention.

Take this lady and her situation as a prime example.

As the sole occupant of her property in Manchester and a senior citizen, Mrs Jones depends on the use of her stair lift. When her lift broke, her only means of travelling to the first floor of her property was taken away. She desperately needed our help and we were only too happy to oblige.

And here she is enjoying the benefits of her newly functioning stairlift and posing for a picture for us to use.

It’s amazing that in this day and age, certain companies would refuse to help a lady like this at a time where she is clearly in need.

As one of the UK’s leading and most reliable lift companies out there, Sheridan Lifts were happy to step in. Following our intervention, Mrs Jones has recently sent the below letter to us and given permission to post here on our blog, as well as for the images above.

So, its with great pleasure that we are able to assist Mrs Jones and sign her up to our brand-new Sheridan Care Package, details of which I will be releasing as a separate article here on our blog shortly.

Stay tuned for further updates, and if you know of anyone in a similar situation to Mrs Jones, do give us a call and we will endeavour to help.