Tag: platform lift

Home Platform Lifts and Fire Safety

Fire safety is constantly evolving. With the recent fire tragedies across the UK and the rest of the world, current fire hazards have been identified so that now anyone involved with property, construction, refurbishment and maintenance must renew their fire safety. There is currently no statutory requirement in England and Wales to include fire protection…

Renting a Lift For Construction

A number of industries make use of renting lift equipment for specific jobs. The most commonly rented lifts are boom lifts and scissor lifts, but to determine which one you require, there are factors that need to be considered to make sure you are getting the right lift for your application. Information needs to be…

Benefits To Your Business That A Platform Lift Can Bring

There is more to making your business accessible than installing a few disabled parking spaces and placing a ramp at the front of the building. Your entire site has to be easily accessible for everyone: staff and customers alike. Not only is it good business sense, but in the UK, it is also the law…